Winter's Tale (2014)
Is... this an adaptation of William Shakespeare's Winters Tale?

Episode Notes
Spring has sprung and we think we're adding a new Shakespeare play to the catalog with Winter's Tale! This is totally Shakespeare. It's an adaptation for sure. With Horse.
CAST: Megan Scharlau and Matthew James Marquez
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Theme music by Riley Allen-
SFX: "Trumpet Cornet Flourish", "Sad Cinematic Piano", "Aww cute reaction", "Random Intruder Ahhh" , "Classic Rimshot" on "Cricket Chirp Single", "Minuet", "News Flash Background Music", "35mm Film Projector Start", "Horse Whinnying", "Dog Warning Barking", "Cat Call Whistle", "Concert Scream Applause Short" on Divertissement - Pizzicato by Kevin MacLeod Link:
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